Shanghai Wanda Law Firm, Xinhuanet Partner, is a comprehensive law firm. The lawyers of Wanda Law Firm are all graduated from the national first-class political and law colleges or overseas famous law schools. They have solid legal foundation, rich practical experience and deep sense of social responsibility. I have 3 lawyers in Germany and UK with master's and doctoral degrees, and 2 lawyers with long-term working experience in Shanghai court. Many lawyers at Wanda Law Firm are long-term guest lawyers of Shanghai Cable TV "I am looking for a lawyer" and Shanghai Radio "Oriental Barrister" program. In 2017, Wanda Law Firm and the operator of the Alipay legal service platform, Fajiayun, worked together to make Wanda Law Firm at the forefront of the Internet legal era.

The traditional business of Wanda Law Firm involves enterprise consultants, intellectual property rights, mergers and acquisitions, marriage and family affairs, property demolition, inheritance and analysis, criminal defense, labor disputes, etc. On the basis of consolidating traditional superior business, it constantly explores new business areas and enhances Self-competitive.

Wanda office base

A corner of the office building


Intellectual property development of science and technology enterprises

Intellectual property development of science and technology enterprises



Wan Da certificate